Is it better to buy a new plumbing truck or a used truck for your plumbing business? In this edition of Potty Talk LIVE, Richard goes over the pros and cons of both and how the right decision can add value to your business, save time and money, and attract new plumbers to grow your business.


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3 Golden Nuggets

  1. A new plumbing truck raises your value and makes you more money. Your customers  judge a book by its cover, so you need to look professional and like you know what you’re doing.
  2. A new truck reduces lost time. Don’t waste time and money getting an old truck fixed and repaired. 
  3. A new truck attracts the dudes. Plumbing techs will be chasing you down wanting to work for you so they can drive your trucks.


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Show Notes

[4:21] My very first truck was a piece of crap with a million miles on it. I got a great deal, so it seemed like the smart thing to do. But it was rusted through and I had to frequently spray paint all over it to hide the rust. 

It was so bad that I was spending so much time and money getting it fixed and repaired, or breaking down on the side of the road. 

We get caught up in the idea that because we’re tradesmen and working guys, we can fix things.  But I’m just telling you right up front here. If you’re serious about growing your plumbing business, you need to get rid of the old truck and get a new plumbing truck. 

A New Plumbing Truck Adds Value

[11:05] Number one. A new truck raises your value for residential service plumbing.

Mrs. Jones doesn’t want a piece of crap truck sitting in her driveway for all her neighbors to see. A big mistake is to think “If I pull up in something new and it looks good, I’m going to look expensive. But if I pull up in something that I’ve put together. I look frugal.” 

No, you don’t. You look like you don’t know what you’re doing and that you aren’t worth anything. Your customers judge a book by its cover and pay accordingly.

The new truck raises your value and makes you more money.

A New Plumbing Truck Saves Time And Money

[16:23] Number two. A new plumbing truck reduces time and money loss.

These old trucks wind up costing you time and money in repairs and downtime. If it’s not in someone’s driveway, it’s not making you money. If it’s in the shop, you’re losing money.

If you have a plumbing business, hopefully you’re doing it for freedom. So don’t lose that freedom by getting roped into always having to work on your truck.

Keep it simple. Buy the new truck with the warranty. A new truck is a money-maker. I know a lot of the fear in buying a new truck is the debt. But, if you’re doing your honest hourly rate, and you’re pricing things correctly, it pays for itself. And the return is even greater.

A New Plumbing Truck Attracts Plumbers

[22:18] Number three is a big one. A new truck is a dude magnet.

Plumbing technicians are going to be chasing you down.  The truck is their office; they’re in it all day. They’re going to want to drive your truck.

A guy told me, “I can’t find anyone to come work for me.” Well, think about it. Why would anyone want to leave their company that has a crappy truck to go to your company and drive another crappy truck?

Once you get a new truck, and you have it vinyled and it’s all nice, you’d be surprised at the guys that will come on and work for you just to drive your truck. Don’t reserve it just for the guys with seniority. A new truck says to the new guys starting out, “I think you’re worthy of this, and I want you to stay.”

Richard’s Call To Action

If you want to learn more about numbers that matter and how to best run your plumbing business, why not schedule a free 30-min strategy call with us? Let’s talk about your goals and where you want to be this time next year, and we’ll help you create a path to make that happen. Schedule your free strategy call here today!

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