How do you build a company culture that your employees and customers love? It’s more than a mission statement; you have to find employees to buy in and focus on serving the customer rather than the bottom line.


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Meet the Masters

  1. Matt Delnay, Mountaineer Plumbing
  2. Darrell Whitaker, Inception Plumbing
  3. Bo McKenzie, Full Speed Plumbing


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Show Notes

What is a Company Culture?

[01:34] Your company’s culture is not the plumbing. It’s not the mission statement. It is the behavior and attitude associated with your company, it’s how the business runs. Whether you know it or not, the way you run your business is communicating its culture and that communication trickles down to your employees, your customers, and your community.

It’s vital to be aware of how you’re perceived and how your business moves because you are instilling your business’ culture whether purposefully or not.

Focus on the Customer Experience

[03:34] Many plumbing business owners make the mistake of focusing on the money. That dollar is the measure of their success. 

But our Masters know better. They know the focus must be on the customer. If Mrs. Jones is happy, then the dollar will follow. If the main focus is making money or maximizing profits, then the customer won’t be happy and you won’t be able to create raving fans.

And it’s not just doing a good job on the plumbing. You want to give your customers an experience. Not only will it make them happy and make them think of you first next time they need a plumber, but it will set you apart from your competitors. 

Matt focuses his techs on the 3 P’s: Professionalism, Permanence, and Peace of Mind. Show up in a well branded truck, in professional uniforms, and approach Mrs. Jones like you know what you’re talking about. The customer wants a permanent or at least very long term solution to their issue, so make sure to deliver, and give them the peace of mind that if something goes wrong, you’ll stand behind the repair.

How Do You Get Your Employees to Buy into Your Company Culture?

[09:46] It’s great to have a company culture and know what you want it to look like. But that means nothing if you don’t have employees who buy in and deliver on it too. 

The Masters have learned the hard way that sometimes people just aren’t a good fit. If you don’t have employees who fully buy in and execute that culture to your customers, it will detract from the image you’re portraying to your community and potential customers. 

You’ve gotta make them see that you’re doing big things, you’re going somewhere. And they can either come or not. You’ll find the people who do buy in and do want to help you execute. 

Richard’s Call to Action

If you want to learn more about numbers that matter and how to best run your plumbing business, why not schedule a free 30-min strategy call with us? Let’s talk about your goals and where you want to be this time next year, and we’ll help you create a path to make that happen. Schedule your free strategy call here today!