Do you want your plumbing business in the same spot it is right now this time next year? Or, do you want to level up? The Million Dollar Plumber gives specific tips to level up your plumbing business year after year.


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3 Golden Nuggets

  1. If you’re satisfied where you’re at, you’re coasting. And if you’re coasting, you’re coasting downhill. Always be looking to grow.
  2. Too often we look back at everything that went wrong. But we already know what happened there. Instead look at what you did right, the good things. Those are the things you want to multiply. 
  3. All champions in any industry, at every level, have a coach. Hire a business coach who will show you your blind spots and hold you accountable.


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Show Notes

(8:32) Each new year is a year of opportunity for your business. If you’re breathing, you have opportunity. So you decide, do you want your plumbing business in the same spot it is right now this time next year? Or do you want to be leveled up? A few levels up. You can do it. And I’ll tell you how. 

Do An Annual Review of What Went Right

(09:36) We all look back at our past year. But don’t do what most everyone does when they look back. We look back at everything that went wrong, and why it went wrong. 

Instead, when you look back, don’t look at the bad stuff. Look at the good stuff. For example, instead of looking at the one guy that quit, look at all the employees that stayed with you. Ask yourself why did they stay? What did I do right there? Those are the things you want to multiply. 

Look at the customers that gave you good reviews. Don’t focus on the customer that gave a lousy review. Consider the ones that love you and are repeat customers. What did you do right there? Multiply that. 

(14:40) Look at the things that worked, and then move on. And by the way, the things that didn’t work, you already know why they didn’t work. You know why the guy quit. You know why the truck broke down. You don’t need to go back and dissect it. Focus on the good. 

Don’t Set Business Goals – Predict Your Future

(15:35) Did you know that you can actually predict your future? You can decide what the future holds for you.

(15:55) If you’re not deciding what you want to do and what you want to achieve each year, there’s a bunch of people standing in line waiting to tell you. Everyone will have an opinion. 

(16:16) The key is for you to decide. It is a conscious choice, and you have to be intentional about it. Decide your future. Predict where you want to be. Then clarify it. Make it a real picture. 

If you know you want more trucks, give it a number. “I want two more trucks.” And even determine what kind of trucks they are. If you want an office, what does the office look like? Predict a specific revenue dollar amount — not just I want to make more money. 

You need something that’s tangible. It’s quantifying it. Putting a number to it or a picture to it. It’s very important. We’re not talking about setting goals here. I’m saying when you predict your life, you create your life. 

Hire A Business Coach – And Listen

(27:10) Most importantly, coach up to level up.  All champions, in any industry, at every level, have a coach. One of my favorite examples is Michael Jordan. When he had already won championships, was already considered ‘his airness’, he was still looking to level up. He got a coach to bring his game to the next level. 

A coach is someone that is one the outside looking in and says “you are off track here.” They make your game better. And they hold you accountable. They push you where needed. They can see things you might be blinded to. It’s like working out and having someone to spot you.

If you’re serious about leveling up your plumbing business, get some kind of coach. 

(29:50) If you’re satisfied where you’re at, you’re coasting. And if you’re coasting, you’re coasting downhill. And what’s going to happen? You’re going to die. You should always be looking to grow. Coaching does that.

(33:04) You have to find a coach that you feel comfortable with because you’re going to be held accountable to them. And some of the things they say you might not like so much sometimes, but they know what they are talking about. 

You have to be coachable. If you hire a coach, buy in. Listen. Get comfortable being uncomfortable, because a coach is going to push you into being uncomfortable.

Richard’s Call to Action.

If you want to learn more about numbers that matter and how to best run your plumbing business, why not schedule a free 30-min strategy call with us? Let’s talk about your goals and where you want to be this time next year, and we’ll help you create a path to make that happen. Schedule your free strategy call here today!

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