In part one of the three-part series “How to Get More Plumbing Customers” the Million Dollar Plumber and the Lovely Laura discuss how you can get potential customers and community members to know who you are by being unique, being a neighbor, and finding your customers where they are – online.


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3 Golden Nuggets

  1. Stand Out from the Crowd. To grow your customer base and increase your business, you have to rise above the noise. It’s all about branding, 
  2. Meet Them Where They’re At. The days of phone books and classified ads are gone. It’s vital to make the most of the technology your potential customers are using. 
  3. Be Their Neighbor. No one cares if you’re the best plumber in your community. They care if you feel like an ambassador to your community.


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Show Notes

Be Unique

[09:04] You might see a million plumbing trucks on the road, and if all you do is blend in with them, the competition is fierce. It’s one big mass of plumbing trucks and the clientele you’re after doesn’t know how to differentiate between you and the next 10 guys driving by. 

To stand out, you have to rise above the noise. The key to standing out is branding, not blanding. Dan Antonelli of Kickcharge Creative is the king of branding and champions the idea of standing apart from your competition. 

Branding is key to even existing in the mind of your customers. You want to do more than be just another plumbing truck driving down their street. You need to be noticeable and memorable so when someone needs a plumber, they recognize you and feel like they already know you amongst the crowd on their Google search. 

Bringing us to point two:

Find Your Customers Where They Are – Online

[15:05] Long gone  is the old guard of phone book and classified ads. Virtually every single one of your potential customers is online. And according to the folks at Home & Local Services, over 80% of all searches done are done on Google. 

If you’re not participating in Local Service Ads (LSAs), Google My Business (GMB), Google Guarantee, or the like, you are missing out on a market that is already primed for you. These services help raise your pedigree in the eyes of the consumer and start you off on the right foot with trust before they’ve even picked up the phone.

Take it from our clients; you can have one truck and still show up at the top of Google. The services above are very low cost or even free and make the “little guy” look like the big guy. 

Be a Good Neighbor

[24:52] It’s a given that every business should have a social media presence. But rather than taking to Facebook to share photos of the plumbing work you’re doing, become an ambassador of your community. Getting out of your comfort zone and posting photos and videos of you out and about in your local area will make all the difference.

Whether it’s going to a local cafe and giving them a shout out or interviewing the Girl Scout troop selling cookies at the grocery store, you’re making an impression on the potential customers in your area that you are one of them. You care about the members of the city or town you do business in. People will remember community involvement more than a new water heater on a Tuesday afternoon.

If video isn’t your thing, take a photo with the owner, promote a local event, or anything else that meshes with your brand identity. Never underestimate the value of a good neighbor.

Join us next week for part two of the series “How to Get More Plumbing Customers” and in the meantime, keep plumbing like a champion!

Richard’s Call to action.

If you want to learn more about numbers that matter and how to best run your plumbing business, why not schedule a free 30-min strategy call with us? Let’s talk about your goals and where you want to be this time next year, and we’ll help you create a path to make that happen. Schedule your free strategy call here today!