In this eye-opening Potty Talk episode, discover the surprising reasons behind the failure of plumbing businesses that you simply can’t afford to overlook. Join Richard as he delves into the crucial insights and strategies to avoid common pitfalls and ensure your plumbing business thrives. Don’t miss out on this essential knowledge that could make all the difference in your business’s success! Potty Talk #421


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3 Golden Nuggets

  1. Ditch Your Plumber Mindset
  2. Stop Servicing the Wrong Customers
  3. Start Learning About Business


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As a plumbing business owner, you’re no stranger to hard work and dedication. You’ve built your business from the ground up, honing your craft and delivering exceptional service to your customers. But despite your best efforts, you may find yourself facing challenges that are stopping your business’s growth and success.

Here are three common mistakes that you’re probably making, and the practical solutions to help you overcome them. From shifting your mindset to targeting the right customers and acquiring essential business skills, we’ll show you how to grow your plumbing business in no time!

Mistake #1: Operating from a Plumber Mindset

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking like a plumber rather than a business owner. After all, your expertise lies in fixing pipes and solving plumbing problems, not in running a business. However, if you want to grow your plumbing business, it’s essential to shift your mindset from blue-collar worker to CEO.

What does this shift mean? It starts with recognizing the value of your time and expertise. As a business owner, your role is not to work hard and do everything yourself – it’s to work smart, hire the right people, and automate your systems the right way. 

Delegate tasks that can be handled by others, and focus your energy on strategic decision-making and business growth. Invest in field management tools that can help you streamline your operations. 

Remember, you’re not a plumber – you’re a leader with the power to shape the future of your business. So, embrace this mindset shift, and watch as your plumbing business grows.

Mistake #2: Serving the Wrong Customer

One of the most common mistakes plumbing business owners make is targeting the wrong customer base. If you find yourself primarily working for contractors or commercial clients, you may be missing out on a goldmine – residential homeowners.

Residential homeowners represent a huge customer base with a constant need for plumbing services, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. By focusing your marketing efforts on this demographic, you can tap into a steady stream of repeat business and referrals.

To attract residential homeowners, tailor your marketing messaging to address their specific needs and pain points. Highlight the convenience, reliability, and quality of your services, and showcase testimonials and reviews from satisfied residential clients. By positioning yourself as the go-to plumber for homeowners, you’ll attract more leads and grow your plumbing business.

Mistake #3: Not Knowing Business

As a skilled plumber, you may possess unparalleled expertise in your trade. However, being a successful business owner requires more than just technical skills – it requires a solid understanding of business principles and marketing strategies.

So, if you want to stand out in the competitive plumbing industry, invest in your business education. Watch podcasts and read books about leadership and marketing. Stay updated on industry trends and best practices, and seek out mentorship from experienced business owners who can offer valuable insights and guidance.

Remember, knowledge is power – the more you know about business, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed decisions and grow your plumbing business.

Growing your plumbing business requires more than just hard work and dedication – it requires a strategic approach and a willingness to adapt and evolve. By avoiding common mistakes such as operating from a plumber’s mindset, targeting the wrong customers, and neglecting business education, you can position your plumbing business for long-term success.

So, take the time to shift your mindset, identify your ideal customer base, and invest in your business education. With the right strategies in place, there’s no limit to what you can achieve as a plumbing business owner.

Richard’s Call to Action

Need a little more help? Why not join the Million Dollar Plumber Success Academy and learn everything you need to know to grow your plumbing business and have a life too–all from the comfort of your home!

Start your FREE 14-day trial today